2024 Summer Reading Program
“Cultivate a Growing Mind” at the Skowhegan Free Public Library
What is the summer reading challenge?
It is a two-pronged approach to keep kids reading and learning throughout the summer months. The first way is by creating a reading challenge where kids can read to meet a goal and get prizes each time their goal is met. The second way is by creating free, child-oriented programming that will allow them to have fun while learning all about the theme of farms and food!
Can my child participate in the Summer Reading Program?
Any child who lives in the MSAD 54 school district OR has a current Skowhegan Free Public Library card and is between the ages of 2—12, can register for and participate in our Summer Reading Program. Your child can be a family reader or an independent reader.
How can I register my child?
You can register at the library anytime starting June 17th. All you need to do is fill out a small form with your child’s information and then you and your child will sign a "contract" which specifies your child’s reading goals for the summer.
Our program officially begins June 24th.