Angie Herrick
Hi - I'm Angie
I'm SFPL's director, but I began working as the Children's Librarian in 2011 and ever since, I have become one of the lucky few that gets to say that I love my job.  I am a vivacious reader, not only because I enjoy it, but also so I can recommend and discuss books with all of my patrons. It always makes me smile when I know I put the right book in the hands of the right person. My job is all about making people connect with books and the library in a positive way.

Lydia Dore
Library Aide
Hi - I'm Lydia
I'm a longtime patron of SFPL, having come here since I was a child, and it's one of my favorite places to be! That's why I was so excited to start working here as a library aide. I'm an avid reader (of fantasy mostly) and love getting to interact with all of our patrons.

Bree Bussell-Fitzgerald
Adult Services Librarian
Hi- I’m Bree
I started working at the Skowhegan Public Library in February of 2017 and it has been very different from what I thought working at a library would be like. It’s lively and has a very happy atmosphere. As the Adult Services Librarian, I love helping folks find new authors to try - and seeing how genuinely happy people are when they get a new book they’ve been waiting for makes my days brighter. I grew up an avid reader but as I got older my time was consumed with other things. Being a part of the library has made me realize that there is always time to open a good book and immerse yourself in a new world of perspectives!

Nikki Hathaway
Technology Services Librarian
Hi - I'm Nikki
I started working at the library in late 2023. I have over 17 years worth of experience working with computers and cell phones, a large part of that, teaching people how to use both.
Working in the library has been a dream of mine for quite some time and I'm beyond grateful that I get to do so. I love reading, building a sense of community and I'm passionate about sustainability.
My goal is to help make technology more accessible and to provide access to those who may not have it otherwise! I also hope to make tech a little less scary and intimidating. ​